LCRW Schedule 2024
The Licking County Republican Women are excited about the programs we have planned for the club for 2024. We have some wonderful speakers scheduled and are expanding our reach to include more of the Licking County area.
April 16 - Club Meeting at Virtues Golf Club (1 Long Drive, Nashport) There will be a light buffet dinner at a cost of $25, starting at 5:30 p.m. Program is Safe Haven Baby Boxes.
May 21 - Club Meeting at the Moundbuilders Country Club, 125 N 33rd Street, Newark. Special guest speaker is Justice Evelyn Stratton. Start time is 5:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided courtesy of Schaller, Campbell & Untied Attorneys.
June 18 Club Meeting - Location and Program to be announced.
July 16 - Club Meeting - Location and program to be announced.
August is the Republican Party Picnic so there will be no LCRW Club meeting.
September 17th - Club Meeting - Location is the Buxton Inn, 313 E Broadway, Granville starting at 5:30 p.m. Program is Community Safety.
October 15 - Meet The Candidates Night at The Elks Lodge, 73 N 3rd Street, Newark.
November 12 - Annual Stocking Stuffing for local Nursing Homes and Veterans. Location at The Elks in Newark (basement area)
December 7 (Saturday) - Annual Christmas Celebration at the Moundbuilders Country Club. - This date is pending due to when the State Christmas Party will be held.